
Wrongful Death

If you are considering hiring legal counsel to represent you and your family on behalf of your loved one, we invite you to read more about how we handle wrongful death claims. We understand the choice of a lawyer during this painful time is a sensitive and crucial decision. We understand clients want to make informed decisions. Our firm is equipped to handle these tragic claims. We understand the emotions of our clients may range from grief to anger on a daily basis. We offer compassionate representation in response to your loss.

Contact our firm to learn more about how we help families faced with the wrongful death of a loved one. We represent clients throughout Maryland and DC.

Understanding the Impact on Clients’ Lives

Our firm represents clients who are faced with the wrongful death of a loved one because of a fatal motorcycle accident, automobile accident, or trucking accident. Depending on the age of the surviving family members, we often have our clients make a written statement describing how the wrongful death has impacted their life. The written statement allows the surviving family members to have their voice heard and stand up for the rights of the loved one they lost.

We strive to put the situation in the best light possible given the circumstances. The demand letter will include supplemental information from the written statement. In the demand letter, we provide information about how the fatal accident affects the surviving family members in their day-to-day lives. We strive to reach a settlement or verdict that provides families with adequate compensation for economic loss. Although no monetary compensation can reverse the loss and the non-economic damages, this compensation will provide for the family’s future and take a step toward holding the negligent party accountable.

Contact The Law Offices of Kim Parker, P.A., to discuss your options.


Contact Us

If you or someone you care have been treated wrongly or injured, let a knowledgeable, experienced attorney will guide you and fight for your case. Don’t miss out on the justice you deserve. Contact us today at 410-234-2621. Let’s talk about your needs and how we can help.

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